Issue 1
by Kyle Doyle
My my my, how I'm enjoying our new, true "blog" format here on TMB. Convenience is the name of the game for this writer when it comes to putting thoughts into words, and our new layout for The Insider and Exhaust Fumes is really living up to our expectations. Anyways, that being said, I thought I'd vent and, well, fume a little bit.
Cars not the only thing smashed in Jonesboro
Monster Truck driver arrested on DWI charge
Jonesboro, AR (KAIT-ABC) Here's a real dandy for the history books. It seems that the driver of a monster ride truck, a Mr. Justin E Smith, was arrested in Jonesboro recently for driving what appears to be the "American Thunder" ride truck on transport tires with passengers while under the influence of alcohol. It is unclear as of yet what exactly inclined the Jonesboro officer to pull the transport-ready beast over, though experts speculate it could have been the lack of working head or taillights. Or the fact that monster trucks on transport tires full of people at 3am on a Monday morning isn't a regular occurrence on the otherwise peaceful streets of the greater Jonesboro area. It seems that Mr. Smith was unable to successfully complete the requisite sobriety tests, including a breathalyzer. According to the Jonesboro news station that cracked this story, the driver was cited for "unsafe mechanical conditions", among other things. But hey, it does have a rollcage in the bed! That's gotta count for something!
But all joking aside, this is yet another stunning blow to the credibility of the monster truck industry. This is so undeniably stupid that I feel as though I'm going to have to wrap my head in duct tape to keep it from exploding. One would think the frightening events of last year's Napa Truck incident in DeKalb, IL would have served as a strong enough wake up call to the industry and its members to buckle down and take the safety and reputation of the monster truck industry a bit more seriously, but apparently it wasn't. Say what you want about trucks crashing in freestyle on purpose or 3-d bodies hurting the "legit appearance" of the trucks, but at least things like this are dealt with on track. This act of idiocy has lowered the bar to a new level. I wasn't in Jonesboro and I wish knew exactly what was said and how it all went down, but I have to wonder why the truck wasn't loaded into the hauler and done with for the night before the drinking began? I've loaded monster trucks into enclosed trailers and onto flatbed trailers hundreds of times, and doing it in the dark isn't always an easy task. I can't imagine trying to load the American Thunder machine in the dark while under the influence of a great American Lager. What a shame. According to the truck's windshield, interested sponsors should call 541-990-4090.
To see the official news story, check out the following link:
Vegas Odds-Makers: Trucks May Crash at World Finals
Winning bet may be upside down come March 29
Las Vegas, NV - Welp, Live Nation's NGK "World" Finals is right around the corner, so I thought I might weigh in real quick on the whole shootin' match. The growth of the event over the last several years is undeniable, and it really is no understatement to call it the biggest event in monster trucks, at least at this point. One can't deny the overwhelming number of trucks that can be found on the property there (though nearly half won't even set foot on track, if the past few years are any indicator) and the apparent diversity of the fans that attend the event is equally impressive. The show features a unique track that isn't (and perhaps cannot be) duplicated at any other venue, which only serves to add to the challenge the trucks and drivers are already facing.

Although many fans bewail the overwhelming number of Live Nation-owned trucks that stack the 24-truck field in comparison to the relatively small number of privately-fielded trucks, it makes perfect business sense on Live Nation's part. While I would prefer to see a field of primarily privately fielded trucks, you cannot deny the visual appeal and consistency of Live Nation's fleet trucks, although I feel that many of their drivers offer up mediocre performance in the racing world when compared to some of their "non-fleet" competitors like Jimmy Creten in Bounty Hunter or Kreg Christensen in Iron Outlaw. Wait, both of those guys are representing the same team of trucks in Vegas...what a coincidence, no? "No" is exactly right, in this case. It comes as no great surprise to me (or any sharp-witted fan) that the trucks of Jimmy and Dawn Creten's 2Xtreme Racing seem to be running at the front of virtually any field they are matched up against. With their top-notch equipment, know-how of the Vegas-style track, and crisp engine tuning I expect the CSK trucks to run strong in racing, pushing far into the brackets if not all the way to the finals. I wouldn't be surprised to see Linsey Weenk in the non-Ford-powered Blue Thunder running late into the night's racing program as well. Weenk is a 2Xtreme alumnus...go figure. Rounding out my picks for a successful night's racing are Dennis Anderson, Tom Meents, and Marc McDonald. My reasoning? Meents has all but written the book on being successful in a simplified, unpredictable truck. Anderson sits atop the baby of the LN fleet, and can race consistent and quick on his good nights. So where do I get Marc McDonald from? I haven't even seen the guy race in person crazy am I?? Call me crazy, but one of the things that McDonald has going for him in my book is his familiarity with the truck he's driving. Many drivers are in unfamiliar trucks or are driving trucks that suffer from limited visibility, while Mr. Marc will be cruising down the infamous "Thunder Alley" in a truck with a normal, easy-to-see out of pickup truck body that he's piloted successfully over the last few years.

Photo by Ross Z. Bonar
So what's freestyle have in store, in my humble opinion? Well, let me put it this way: if there's not a heaping pile of broken trucks and broken truck parts by the end of Saturday night in Vegas, then that mean 'ole debble's gonna be lacing up his ice skates come Sunday morn!
Da na nana nana Da na nana nana Batman!!
"I like that one," says caped crusader.
Someplace, Australia - It seems that the new Australian incarnation of the "Batman"-themed monster truck body looks better than the North American version, according to Mr. Bruce Wayne of Gotham City. Mr. Wayne claims to be in touch with the famed superhero's sense of style, says his publicist.

Top: Aussie Batman, courtesy of KC's Fireworks. Bottom: North American Batman by Kyle Doyle.
Okay okay, so I'm being a smart-allec again. But really, I think that, if I had to pick one, I'd choose the Aussie version of this American classic over the current Live Nation version. Although, let it be known that I strongly prefer actual pickup trucks (what I believe our friends from down under refer to as "utes") to any sort of 3-D bodies. What does strike me as refreshing in regards to this whole deal is the authenticity of the Aussie Batman truck. While some promoters and/or truck owners around the world have been content to rip off the likenesses of other "famous" trucks, this appears to be an authentic, licensed promotion of the Batman name. While I question the notion of putting 14-year old Jaye Featherby behind the wheel at such a young age (is he even old enough to get into the most recent Batman movie without parents?) I wish the KC's Fireworks staff and young Mr. Featherby the best of luck with the new machine.
Is a Piece of History becoming History?
Everett Jasmer, USA-1, and Hard Times
While I always try to keep things fairly light-hearted here on TMB, it’s a great disappointment to me that Everett Jasmer and his USA-1 trucks have come under hard financial times here recently. Although I've agreed with Everett at times, and disagreed with him at others, I've always held a professional respect for the man and what his trucks accomplished in the first full decade of the sport.
Photo courtesy Everett Jasmer.
Not long before Ross' great interview with Everett hit the "presses", I got a call out of the blue one day from Everett while leaving my place of work. After all my time in the sport both as a fan and industry member I'd never actually spoke to or crossed paths with Mr. Jasmer, so in a way it was not just a surprising call but a flattering one as well. Although the substance of our conversation was more introductory and casual than "business", I must say that I left our chat with a deeper understanding and a renewed respect for Everett and his situation.
I'm not sure what's going to become of the USA-1 trucks and their namesake, but I sure hope it works out for the best, one way or another. I'd hate to see the USA-1 name and trucks fall by the wayside and become shadows of their former selves just as many "historic" MT names and trucks have over the last decade. When it comes to monster truck history, 1998 to now has become a "decade of decay" you might say. But that's a story for a different day.
If you haven't checked out what Everett had to say, be sure to read through Ross' great interview with him here:
That's all for now.
1 comment:
about the jonesboro incident, it seems your facts have been twisted just a bit... there were no passengers in the vehicle only the driver... he was pulled over because of the lack of a back bumper... he was in the streets because he was driving the 3-4 blocks from the convo centre to the lot where the trailers were... he in fact did NOT fail the breathalyser tests... he blew once and came up with 0.02, the officer told him to blow again, and the driver then refused and asked for his lawyer because in the driver's home state (WA), you DO NOT have to blow a second time if the meter registers a count on the first blow... these facts i know because i am very close family to the driver and i feel that everyone who reads your blog should at least get the correct information... otherwise this blog is well put together and i very much enjoyed reading it...
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